Artist Driven, Everybody Friendly, God-Optional* Jewish Community

*Lab/Shul uses a multiplicity of non-dualist names and prisms that inspire wonder of what is ultimately beyond language

A twinkle in the eye, a shimmer of glitter, I invite you to enter into Lab/Shul’s artist-driven sanctuary - creative, relevant, curious, courageous.  A laboratory for sacred Jewish ritual and gatherings, this is my primary playground. I am a Co-Founder and Spiritual Leader. 

Lab/Shul gatherings nourish our thirst for connection, spirituality and honest meaning making in today’s world. With our unique God-optional approach to tradition, text, and story, we welcome those who identify as Jewish, Jew-ish, those who walk with us and everything in between.

Sabbath Queen

Sabbath Queen Says: Come to locate yourself, come to sing, to be, to let go. Your spirit will thank you. This is our monthly sacred circle of live musical liturgy, Immersive ritual + happy hour + community feast. Be the Sabbath Queen you want to see in the world.

High Holy Days of Awe

Celebrate the season with poetic and accessible translation of prayers, high vibration music, and immersive Storahtelling sacred theatre. Ask me about our multi-year reimagination of SHIVITI.

Holiday Innovations/Excavations

Celebrations guided by the Hebrew calendar’s ancestral wisdom help us to wrestle out loud.Four new questions for Passover, Post-Patriarchal Purim - our approach is a radical renewal of Jewish ritual.